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Video: N.H. officer injured after utility pole flies from roadside during crash response

The Amherst police officer was working a crash that disturbed the pole and wire when a truck drove past, hitting the wire and pulling the pole toward the officer

By Joanna Putman

AMHERST, N.H. — Video shows a bizarre incident where an officer working a crash was injured by part of a utility pole that suddenly flew out of the roadside brush and struck him, WMUR reported.

The Amherst police officer was injured Oct. 10 while responding to a crash, according to the report. The crash had caused utility wires to hang low across the roadway.

Around 9:30 a.m., a truck struck the low-hanging wires, pulling down a broken section of a telephone pole, which then hit the officer, knocking him to the ground.

The officer was transported to a hospital and later released after receiving treatment, according to the report. The truck involved did not remain at the scene, but police were able to identify the owner and driver later in the day.

Amherst Police Chief Anthony Ciampoli stated that the officer’s injuries could have been far worse and emphasized that the incident was avoidable with more caution from drivers, according to the report. Police are considering potential charges in the case.

“Someone neglects to see the entire scene in front of them, and this was 100% avoidable if we’re using common sense and if we have respect for all those on the roadway,” Ciampoli told WMUR.

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