By Rebecca Volent
“Kids these days, don’t even know how to say thank you.”
Your grandpa’s statement may not be far off when it comes to this 19-year-old. Dominic Cardes of Williamston, MI was cited for underage drinking at a party. He wanted to get to the place he was staying, but his friends were nowhere to be found. Seeing that he had no ride and was cold from only wearing a tank top and jeans, the Mt. Pleasant police decided to give him a lift. They left him alone in their lobby, which had a public phone where he could call for a ride.
So what gratitude did police receive for giving a guy a free ride and warm shelter?
A completely trashed lobby. Surveillance footage shows a very agitated Cardes talking on a cell phone. As he paces the lobby, he finds his first victim, a wet floor sign, and kicks it away. He then goes for a candy dispenser and knocks it to the ground. His phone conversation escalates and in his fury he rips the emergency phone off the wall.
All and all, he managed to destroy several hundred dollars worth of property during the hour he stayed in the lobby. When police arrived to check on him, he was walking out the door for a cab. They arrested him and found that his blood alcohol level was .13, one and a half times the legal limit. He was charged with malicious destruction of police property (a 4-year felony), and resisting and obstructing (a 2-year high court misdemeanor).
So in the end, Cardes did find himself a place to stay, it just happened to be behind bars.