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‘F— the police’: L.A. council candidate under fire for comments on LAPD spending

“Every day, the men and women of the LAPD put their lives on the line...and I wish more people valued their sacrifice,” Interim LAPD Chief Dominic Choi responded



By Joanna Putman

LOS ANGELES — A Los Angeles city council candidate faced backlash after saying “F— the police” during a meet-and-greet with university students, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The comment was made by Ysabel Jurado while discussing police spending in response to a question about her stance on police abolition, according to the report.

“As someone who is myself pro-abolishment of police, where do you stand on that spectrum?” a person can be heard asking Jurado on an audio recording, according to the report.

“What’s the rap verse? ‘F— the police, that’s how I see ‘em,’” Jurado responded.

Jurado later confirmed the remarks, explaining that she was quoting a song lyric, but her statement drew sharp criticism from law enforcement officials and others.

Interim Police Chief Dominic Choi condemned her language, calling it divisive and disrespectful to the Los Angeles Police Department.

“This divisive language only serves to erode what should be a positive and collaborative relationship between the police and the people we serve,” Choi said. “Every day, the men and women of the LAPD put their lives on the line to keep the people of Los Angeles safe, and I wish more people valued their sacrifice.”

The Los Angeles Police Protective League also criticized Jurado’s comments, arguing that her views conflict with the safety concerns of residents, according to the report.

“Her world view of ‘F— the police’ conflicts with the hopes and aspirations of residents who want to feel safe in their homes, at their parks and schools and in their neighborhoods,” said the union’s board of directors.

In the recording, Jurado remarked that the city’s budget is “broken,” highlighting that the LAPD is “funded more than it’s actually ever been funded before.” She also acknowledged that some residents in the district “don’t feel safe” and are calling for more police, according to the report.

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