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Milestone Moments of the Year

As the year draws to a close, Police1 looks back on the milestone moments that defined law enforcement, from the ongoing recruitment and retention issues to top trends in health and wellness. Join us as we recap some of the most important events of the year, plus review myriad acts of heroism by America’s law enforcement officers in 2023.

See how law enforcement stepped up through acts of heroism to create some good this past year
Take a deep dive into the hot-button topics impacting policing nationwide with Policing Matters host Jim Dudley and Chief Joel Shults
Every year, Police1 breaks down United States Supreme Court rulings of significance to law enforcement
These stories are a shoo-in to get your side aching from laughter
A look at the nuances of free speech related to threats, standards for home entry, use of force and qualified immunity, and evolving regulations on firearms
The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office in Texas has overcome the recruiting crisis by expediting the hiring process, implementing competitive pay, offering innovative training and updating existing wellness programs
Ehea Schuerch says training for The Tactical Games takes discipline and a tough mindset – and has helped her become a better corrections officer
Signs of backlash against increased crime associated with oppressive and punitive police reform measures are coming to light
The number of attacks is alarming, but we are seeing more stories about successes from police intervention before and during attacks
No one can claim policework is boring for the men and women working patrol
The Police1 editorial team values the opportunity to collaborate with columnists and engage with readers
We asked police chiefs what big purchase they would make for their department if they knew the budget would be approved
The need to renew and enhance trust and respect between stakeholders and law enforcement partners has never been greater
Gain a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on de-escalation tactics and techniques, and how this research informs training in law enforcement
Panelists will review the training required for officers to manage custody transitions, as well as highlight strategies to improve safety during this process
Tactical and legal experts share best practices to avoid unnecessary violent confrontations
How law enforcement and educators can develop effective threat assessment teams to stop school violence
A deeper dive into how police trainers can integrate human factor science into police training
Learn how the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office’s built an award-winning holistic officer wellness program
This 60-minute presentation provides unique approaches to enable you to be more competitive in your promotional testing efforts
How law enforcement and educators can collaborate on improving school safety