Police1 BrandFocus Sponsored Content
Our Police1 BrandFocus sponsored content provides law enforcement with valuable information about a variety of police products, technologies and topics.
Earpiece, mic and related items can boost officers’ comfort and confidence
A former homicide investigator looks at investigative challenges of the digital era and how they’re affecting police
Enhance event security and prevent vehicle ramming attacks with this portable barrier event solution
New transport option safely holds a K-9 while expanding storage
Duty Gear
Here’s how technology can make a difference
A faster, simpler and more secure method helps departments get qualified bodies on the streets
This Southern California agency embraced advanced technology to combat sophisticated smuggling methods with greater efficiency and accuracy
Acknowledging officers’ achievements isn’t just good for morale – it’s essential for department success
As criminals become more tech-savvy, so too must those who bring them to justice
“Defying Destiny” tells the real stories of survivors of sex trafficking
Drones can deliver lifesaving devices in as little as 70 seconds; in critical situations like overdoses, cardiac arrests or drownings, those seconds can mean the difference between life and death
It may be a better investment than just adding personnel
Deep learning software combined with advanced ALPR technology extracts more information from recorded images, helping to solve long-standing challenges and fight crime
New spectrum availability, network slicing, massive IoT and 5G-specific APIs are helping 5G transform public safety operations for a safer, smarter future
There’s a lot more to consider than just stopping power
Florida sheriffs’ offices are solving crimes faster and protecting communities with cutting-edge tech
Red dot sights offer significant advantages to officers, from improved accuracy and threat focus to faster target acquisition
People leave more data in their wakes than they realize – this tool helps law enforcement unearth it
Next-gen technology that keeps public safety connected to mission-critical tools
Adaptable, durable and easy to assemble — the TAC House empowers trainers with endless configurations to enhance SWAT and building-clearing exercises
How AI-powered decision intelligence is transforming law enforcement in the data overload era
How blockchain intelligence is advancing the fight to bring criminals to justice
Combining them with data integration is the powerful next step in the evolution of mobile tools
In response to community concerns, investing in technology and economic development has dramatically reduced violent crime and improved quality of life
It’s a safety measure that protects not only officers but citizens and property too
This intuitive solution integrates seamlessly with CAD, supports real-time collaboration and enables mobile reporting, giving officers more time to focus on what truly matters — protecting and serving their communities
Law enforcement is leveraging AI to solve complex cases, yet success depends on blending cutting-edge technology with human judgment
How law enforcement can leverage new tools to combat the fentanyl crisis
- Partnerships to empower public safety (eBook)
- De-escalation: Beyond the buzzword
- Nearly a century of experience makes for high-quality law enforcement headwear
- Unlocking digital investigations: A step-by-step guide to managing digital evidence (infographic)
- What law enforcement wants the public to know about use-of-force incidents